God Speaks
When talking with others about how God speaks to me, I always share how I “hear” God through repetition.
This past week was one such example. While attending a writing conference in North Carolina, the story of Esther was referenced by a few of the speakers. None of them shared the full story but referenced her calling “for such a time as this.” (Esther 4:14) Alone, this might just seem coincidental since the purpose of the conference was to encourage us as writers to take the next step in our calling.
But here’s the thing. God was preparing my heart to pay attention to these mentions of Esther well before I arrived. For years I have purchased an Erin Condren planner for both personal and professional use. I love Erin Condren products so much it has become a running joke in my family to expect your Christmas gift to come wrapped in an Erin Condren box, no matter what you’re getting.
But God speaks through repetition.
Randomly, this year I purchased a completely different planner from Passionate Penny Pincher. It includes a suggested daily reading from scripture. Can you guess what the reading was leading up to the conference? That’s right. None other than Esther.
While those two things would seem more than coincidence, here’s the best part…
The last time I attended this writing conference two years ago, big changes were happening. One of the founders of hope*writers, Emily P. Freeman, announced she was leaving the company and her co-founder, Brian Dixon, would now be CEO. As I sat at lunch with other lifetime members that day, Brian shared a bit more with us about what this transition would mean. Tears came to his eyes, his voice was occasionally shaking, but the passion with which He spoke about the vision God had for us as writers shone through and was inspiring. You could tell there was a bit of uncertainty, maybe even pain, in this big transition.
So, what does this have to do with Esther? The entire time Brian was speaking, the words from Esther, “For such a time as this…” continued to echo in my heart and mind.
After the lunch, I chatted briefly with Brian and shared with him that I felt like God was impressing it upon my heart to encourage him with a reminder that God had called him to this leadership role “for such a time as this.”
Fast forward to last week, and that same message was on repeat - in my daily scripture reading, in messages from speakers, and in my heart.
When this happens - when a lesson, story, scripture, or phrase is on repeat in my life - I do not see it as coincidence. Rather, I embrace it as a word from the Lord. Though I have never audibly heard the voice of God, I hear him clearly through repetition. I only have to be alert for when He speaks.
What is on repeat for you? Is God using repetition to speak to your heart? To help you make a tough decision? To call you into His purpose and plan for your life?
May the eyes and ears of your heart be open to hear God speak.