Random Questions

When we were dating, my husband and I would often ask each other random questions. They were sometimes silly, sometimes serious, but no matter the case they were a great way to get to know each other on a deeper level. Even still, we throw out the occasional random question, and it makes me smile. Many random questions have filled me head recently. The start of a new year has a tendency to do that as we reflect on the year past and look with hope to the future.

Here are a few I’ve been mulling over lately…

  • How would Jesus introduce you?

  • How does your relationship with God influence who you are when no one is watching?

  • How does your faith influence your decision making?

As I begin my new writing project, a book about motherhood, I have other random questions on my mind - not only for myself, but for you, too.

As such, I’m looking for volunteers to be part of a focus group of moms. By joining the group, I’d email you a few questions to start, we may eventually meet a time or two (*completely optional - in person or on Zoom), have opportunities to receive freebies along the way, and I will include you on the updates for my book release later this year. Not feeling like joining the group but still willing to participate? I’ll be posting random questions on my Instagram and Facebook pages. You can comment there or DM me. I’d love to hear your responses and learn from you, too!

Either way, I appreciate your prayers as I move forward on my writing journey. Being a mother is not for the faint of heart. Can I get an AMEN?!

May God give me the words to encourage other moms, and may He bless you as you raise those He chose for you to parent.

Forever Grateful for Grace,



A Mother’s Prayer


The Attitude of Gratitude