The Attitude of Gratitude

This week as we approach Thanksgiving, it is a natural time to pause and give thanks. But gratitude is something we should carry with us everywhere we go. Even in your lowest of lows, you can find something for which to be grateful. It occurred to me today that while I often feel gratitude, I do not always express it. A true attitude of gratitude requires action.

Giving thanks can take many forms. It may be a whispered prayer, a note of thanks, a thoughtful gift, or a face to face actual word of thanks. Gratitude stored in our hearts, though beneficial in bringing us joy, is like the light under the bushel. It is hidden from all except God. Gratitude expressed outwardly is a way to let our lights shine and acknowledge the goodness of God.

As you gather around the table with family and friends this Thanksgiving, how can you express your thanks? Here are a few ideas to get you started…

  • Say a prayer aloud - thanking God for all those at the table as well as those who have gone before you.

  • Write a note of thanks to the host. Acknowledge the time and effort it takes to prepare for and host such a meal.

  • Make your centerpiece a tree of thanks like the one found here. (There are others that are cheaper and more expensive.) Invite your guests to each write down their words of thanks and add them to the tree.

  • Pull aside a family member and personally thank them for their impact and influence in your life.

  • Make a list - Write down the things for which you are grateful. Tuck the list in a special place, and return to it when you need reminders of God’s faithfulness or a bit of encouragement.

  • Pay it Forward - Consider how someone else has been a blessing to you. How can you do the same for others and pay it forward? Serve at a food pantry you once visited in a time of need. Donate to a hospital who served yourself or a loved one. Show your Sonic car hop or your waitress at a favorite restaurant how grateful you are by doubling your tip and writing thank you on the receipt.

There is no one right way to demonstrate gratitude. However you choose to express thanks this week, I pray your attitude of gratitude may be contagious as you put your thanks in motion.

“With my mouth I will give thanks abundantly to the Lord; And in the midst of many I will praise Him.” Psalms 109:30

With a grateful heart,



Bless This Mess